EO Charger – Of all the considerations you might want to make when choosing an electric vehicle charger, the physical design of the charger might not be the first thing you think of. However, the EO charger range challenges that notion.

The sleek and stylish devices promise to bring a touch of modern design to your electric car charging needs. But is the EO charger as perfect for the design-conscious electric car driver?

At a fundamental level, electric vehicle chargers are designed with utility in mind. They are simply tools that enable an electric vehicle battery to be topped up. Certain practicalities must be taken into account, such as the size, output and type of connector required, which leads to certain device choices being made.

In short, most chargers are built to get the job done, with their looks being an afterthought. An EO charger is different.

While EO chargers tick all the required boxes with their range of solutions in a variety of sizes that cater for any home or office situation, it’s the design that makes the difference. (More info on – Home Charger for Electric Cars)

What is EO?

EO Charging is a business founded in 2014 by Charlie Jardine. The company designs and manufactures a charger range for electric vehicles, suitable for home charging right up to full fleet charging and management.

The company also creates smart software to allow drivers and businesses to track, monitor and manage their EO charger. Initially launched in the UK, the business now operates in countries around the world and has been chosen by many leading companies to supply charging solutions for their fleet requirements. (More info on – EV Fleet Charging )

EO charger capabilities

Home charging can be completed using a standard wall socket with the appropriate adapter, but the process can be long and slow. The latest offering from EO is the Mini Pro 3 charger which allows you to charge your vehicle with a connection that is 8x more powerful than a standard plug.

In simple terms, this means that if it takes 24 hours to charge your car with a standard plug, the Mini Pro 3 should be able to complete the task in 3 hours. In practical terms, the exact timing will vary, but it indicates how much more convenient a dedicated charging point can be.

Linking with an app, you can set schedules to charge your vehicle at the best possible time – if you have an electricity provider that offers lower overnight costs, you can schedule the charging to take place when the price is lowest. (More info on – Electric Car Charging – EV Charging Guide For Beginners )

Other solutions include the Genius 2 EO charger, which is ideal for commercial or depot charging with multiple plug types, includes RFID security to restrict unauthorised usage, and has power ratings of up to 22kW.

This type of EO charger is designed to be durable and offers impact, water and dust resistance.

Fleet charging solutions include guaranteed uptime and the ability to operate at scale. Load balancing and clever software solutions mean that whatever your requirements, an EO charger can be tailored to your needs.


Credit: www.eocharging.com

EO charger design

The EO charger range is designed with the user in mind – both in terms of practicality and design aesthetic. With intuitive controls, EO chargers are easy to use, making them popular among EV owners. The blend of high-tech functionality and a modern design gives EO chargers an edge over other products.

EO Charging has a range of chargers in its portfolio. All EO chargers have the same sleek, modern design, with clean lines and subtle curves. In an era when most chargers provide similar functionality, the EO charger range stands out through design. Sleek lines, beautiful curves, bright lights, and shiny aesthetics give the EO charger range a modern – almost futuristic – look that sets it apart from the competition. (More info – Electric Car Charging – EV Charging Guide For Beginners)

For the home user, it’s clear that every home will be unique, even when many chargers look alike. To take account of everyone’s different ideas about style, the Mini Pro 3 EO charger range will soon be available with customisable covers. These will let the owner make a statement to show off their EO charger, or allow the charger to blend into the background with colours that match or complement their home.

The EO Mini range of chargers is among the smallest chargers on the market, making them perfect for home installation.

EO charger home options

Home chargers are commonly rated at 7kW, but a 22kW version of the Mini Pro 3 will soon be available if you have a three-phase household electrical supply. Connectivity is provided with a universal socket or a tethered cable, while surge protection and power balancing are optional extras.

Power balancing can be useful in a busy home as it prevents your power circuits from overloading. If you have several electrical appliances switched on in your home, power balancing adjusts the speed your vehicle charges to ensure that everything gets the power it needs. (More info on – Home Electric Car Charger)


Credit: www.eocharging.com

Is design important?

As far as charging goes, design isn’t that important. As long as the charger is easily accessible and does the job, you’re good to go. However, design can be important for your happiness. You’ll most likely see the charger every day, so if it looks out of place or doesn’t match the aesthetic of your home, it can be a source of frustration. EO chargers are designed with this in mind and strive to strike the right balance between functionality and aesthetics.

While design should never have an impact on the charging ability of any home charger, EO chargers blend style and function to provide a charger that looks as good as it performs.

Should you choose an EO charger?

The EO charger range is perfect for the design-conscious electric car driver who wants to make a statement and enjoy convenience and practicality in equal measure. With a sleek design, intuitive controls, and an ever-increasing range of features, EO chargers are a great choice when it comes to charging your electric vehicle and are the perfect fit for those who want a reliable and stylish home charger.


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