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- Ireland’s EV Incentive Package – Does your EV purchase qualify?
- Vehicles Suitable for Ireland’s EV Incentive Package
- Ireland’s EV Incentive Package – Other Incentives
- Accessing Ireland’s EV Incentive Package
Ireland is one of the first countries to offer a package for electric vehicle adoption, so if you’re looking to make the switch, you’ll want to know more about Ireland’s EV incentive package.
There are many reasons you might choose to switch to an electric vehicle. Electric cars that required EV Chargers are better for the environment because they don’t produce any CO2 emissions and help to alleviate air pollution – they also require less maintenance because they lack a lot of moving parts such as fuel pumps and combustion engines.
Running on electricity costs less than using fossil fuels, and that’s just the start of the benefits that electric vehicles can offer. Ireland’s EV incentive package includes up to €5,000 toward an electric car purchase and up to €600 on the home installation of a charging station – could you be eligible for these grants?
Does your EV purchase qualify?
The main criteria for Ireland’s EV incentive package are that the vehicle is registered in Ireland and licensed as a BEV or PHEV.
Consumers must also purchase it between now and December 2021, with an original purchase price of €14,000 or greater – this includes VAT but excludes any additional import duties paid.
For private purchases of electric vehicles over €14,000, both the cost and the type of car are considered. Different grant levels are applicable to battery electric vehicles (BEV) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV).
In Ireland, a BEV is defined by the SEAI as one that has no engine and only battery power. A PHEV will have some form of propulsion other than electric batteries.
Using a sliding scale, the higher the cost of the vehicle you purchase relates to a higher grant, up to a maximum purchase price of €60,000. You can find the current scale at www.seai.ie/grants/electric-vehicle-grants/grant-amounts/
For business purchases of electric vehicles over €14,000, the SEAI will only provide grants for commercial vehicles that fit in the N1 category. This usually represents small goods carrying vehicles under 3500kg. (See our blog post on Electric Car Charging Points For Business)
Grants of between €1,000 and €3,800 are available, once again depending on the exact type of electric vehicle and the purchase price. You can find details of the scale at the link above.
Vehicles Suitable for Ireland’s EV Incentive Package
While there are many EVs on the market, not every vehicle is eligible to take advantage of the grants on offer. To confirm your vehicle is eligible, a comparison of EVs is available on the SEAI site – if your vehicle is not on the list, it won’t be eligible to receive a grant. – (Check out our blog post about the Electric Vehicle Home Charger Grant)
Fortunately, many makes and models of vehicles are eligible, so there is a wide choice of options for your next electric vehicle. (Don’t forget your Car Charger !!)

Electric Car Charger Ireland, Suite 1, Rear Unit 7, Church Place, Glenageary, Co. Dublin, A96 A9Y0, Phone: +353 1 515 93 36 | Driving Directions | Website: www.electriccarcharger.ie
Other Incentives
For EV owners, a further incentive is available in the form of a €600 grant towards the purchase and installation of a home charger unit. Installing a home charger provides a convenient, safe, and dedicated option for charging your vehicle without needing to rely on public charging points or cables that may not be ideally routed.
Once again, you must own a new or second-hand electric vehicle to take advantage of the grant.
Electric vehicles are also eligible for a reduction in VRT – Vehicle Registration Tax – which is usually payable when the vehicle is first registered. For vehicles registered before the end of 2021 with an open market value of up to €40,000, VRT relief of up to €5,000 may be applicable.
A reduction in VRT is available for all types of electric vehicles, whether they are fully electric or hybrids. Ireland’s EV incentive package provides a range of grants and rebates to help Ireland move towards its goal of becoming a nation where electric vehicles are in the majority.
One further advantage to owning an EV in Ireland is a lower rate of motor tax. CO2 emissions are used to calculate both VRT and motor tax costs, so with the reduction in emissions found in electric vehicles, it stands to reason that the motor tax rate can be lower than emission-spewing fossil-fuel-powered vehicles.
CO2 emissions are the gases that result from burning fossil fuels, like petrol or diesel, to power engines. These gases contribute to global warming, so reducing the production of these gases is desirable.
Ireland’s goal is to have zero-emission vehicles account for 51% of all new car sales by 2030. Ireland’s EV incentive package is a crucial part of Ireland’s attempt to achieve this goal.
Typical current rates for motor tax are €120 per annum for a BEV and €170 per annum for a PHEV.
Accessing Ireland’s EV Incentive Package
When you purchase a new vehicle from a dealer, the dealer will apply for the grant – there’s nothing for you to do. VRT and motor tax rates are calculated automatically, and the reduced cost will be what you need to pay.
For the home charger grant, you must apply to the SEAI to obtain the funding. You cannot use it retroactively, so only start work on the installation of your charging point AFTER you have received confirmation that your grant application has been successful.
Driving to the Future
The country has had great success moving toward electric vehicles that require Chargers For Electric Cars in recent years, and there is a determination to make Ireland the world leader in terms of electric vehicle adoption.
Substantial investment has been made in a national charging network, making it more convenient than ever to own an electric vehicle. Ireland’s EV incentive package is a vital part of Ireland’s strategy to shift the country away from fossil-fuel-powered vehicles as Ireland becomes more carbon neutral.
With this financial incentive for electric vehicle owners, Ireland is leading the way in environmentally-friendly transportation choices, and helping businesses and consumers save money while taking care of the environment at the same time.
If Ireland is to succeed in its goals for electric vehicle uptake, it will be important for Ireland’s government and citizens alike to work together.
What better incentive could there be to switch to an electric vehicle?
EV Home Charger Installation is a significant step to take for those looking for a greener lifestyle, but Why You Need An EV Home Charger ? Check out our Blog Post